buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title MedSync - Automated Methadone Management Platform style.css header class main-header nav div MedSync class logo div class nav-links a Dashboard href #dashboard a Schedule href #schedule a Connect href #social a Login class login-button href #login main section id dashboard class hero h1 Streamlined Methadone Management p Secure. Automated. Connected. div class cta-buttons button Get Started class primary-button button Learn More class secondary-button section id schedule class schedule-section h2 Automated Scheduling div class schedule-grid div class schedule-card h3 Appointments div class schedule-content p View and manage upcoming visits div class schedule-card h3 Dosage Tracking div class schedule-content p Monitor medication schedule div class schedule-card h3 Reminders div class schedule-content p Never miss an important date section id social class social-section h2 Connected Support Network div class social-grid div class platform-card h3 Support Groups div class platform-card h3 Provider Chat div class platform-card h3 Community Forums footer div class footer-content p Built with privacy and security in mind div class footer-links a Terms href #terms a Privacy href #privacy a Support href #support script.js